
Top Customer Communication Platforms to use in 2024

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Customer Communication Management (CCM) software plays a significant role in the modern business. It provides the company with a platform to unify all the customer interactions that are usually dispersed on several channels.

No matter what platform you use to communicate with your customers, including calls, emails, or social media, CCM software seamlessly integrates a record of this consumer data in one place. These CCM platforms ensure a smooth customer experience, increasing customer satisfaction.

Every business requires CCM to centralize all the customer data and effectively manage communication regardless of the department or job function involved in the interaction.

Choosing the Best Customer Communications Management Software

When deciding on customer communications management software for your business, you should know the aspects you must consider before making such an important decision.

Although CCM software shares similarities with marketing account management software in terms of automation, focusing on data quality and delivery of communications, the difference lies in the fact that CCM software is more focused on inbound communications than outcomes.

Customized Communication

You must consider the following characteristics of the best CCM software before investing in one.

Maintain Customer Records

The most essential quality of your CCM software is the ability to maintain customer records. A CCM solution that can maintain comprehensive customer interaction records ensures a holistic view of customer interactions is captured across all the touchpoints. To make sure that your customer has the best experience, you will need to rely on the records.

Inbound and Outbound Communication Tracking

Inbound and Outbound communication efforts matter equally for the business's success. Inbound communications, including all the efforts that consumers put into reaching out to businesses, and outbound communications, including all the efforts such as calls, emails, and cold reach out from businesses to clients, need to be tracked. Tracking such a comprehensive communication image helps companies monitor and analyze customer interactions.

Unified Records

A top CCM platform also integrates contact records from all the communication channels; this results in a streamlined and integrated customer database. Having all your customer data in one place speeds up the customer journey mapping.

Efficient Task Assignment

Your CCM software must also be able to assign tasks to your employees efficiently. This will ensure the timely management of all customer queries and facilitate employees to complete tasks without worrying about missing important tasks.

Integration with Company Systems

It should also be able to smoothly integrate with your company's software containing all the records and data. The smoother the data integration, the more satisfying the customer journey.

The software should also ensure a smooth data flow across different departments. It should also enable cross-departmental teams to collaborate on the data.

Other Considerations

All the above aspects are integral to successfully implementing customer communication management software in your business. However, some additional considerations while choosing the CCM platform are as follows.

Ensure your software can scale and grow with your growing business and accommodate growing customer communication volume.

Look for software that offers customizations so that you can give a personalized experience to all your customers. Your workflows and reporting should also be changed according to your requirements.

It should have automation capabilities to enhance the team's productivity and efficiency by automatically assigning tasks, automating repetitive tasks, and handling responses.

Ensure that the CCM software having all the customer data has robust data security options to keep your customer data protected.

Choose a platform with a user-friendly interface to enhance user adoption of the platform. The faster your team gets used to the platform's features, the more productivity will increase.

CCM integration

Key Benefits of Customer Communication Management

Although we have briefly discussed how the CCM platform helps your business succeed in today's fast-paced business environment, let us analyze detailed insights regarding CCM software's benefits to a company.

Efficient Document Delivery

CCM solutions have records of all customer interactions and thus can deliver critical documents such as statements and bills from a centralized system, ensuring consistency in the communication process.

Multi-Channel Communication

CCM platforms also enable businesses to communicate with their customers using whatever communication they prefer, including digital channels. This flexibility in channels is very important in this dynamic business world.

CCM Platform

24/7 Customer Service

These platforms also ensure timely communication with customers and no delays in response, which forms the foundation of customer experience management.

Improved Customer Loyalty and Satisfaction

CCM platforms ensure that customers do not have to spend much time calling customer service helplines. Customers appreciate all these personalized and relevant user interactions, increasing loyalty and satisfaction.

Increased Brand Equity and Revenue

With a higher focus on customer communication, businesses improve brand equity because of their positive reputation among customers. While these platforms leverage customer data and preferences, they increase business revenue opportunities because your customers will return to you repeatedly.

CCM integrations

CCM vs. CRM systems: Understanding the difference

CCM and CRM are the two essential tools for businesses to succeed today. Both platforms are used to manage and optimize customer interactions with companies, but they have different goals and objectives.

CCM focuses on customer communication, where creating, managing, and delivering personalized communication are integral. It uses technology to deliver the right message regarding business activities to consumers.

The goal of CCM is ultimately to improve customer relationships by focusing entirely on the communication aspect of the business. This optimized and timely communication leads to increased customer loyalty and satisfaction.


On the other hand, CRM takes a broader approach to customer relationships rather than narrowing its focus to just communication. It manages and sorts all types of information and data for a business.

It is not just about driving sales and marketing efforts; it deeply analyzes your customers' behavior and patterns to provide a customized experience. CRM aims to enhance loyalty, increase sales, and improve overall user experience.

One big difference that sets both the software apart is their point of focus. CCM focuses on delivering the right message, while CRM analyzes consumer interactions from a broader picture and improves every aspect of the customer journey with a business.

AI powered CCM

You must structure your final goal to see which platforms best fit your business. To strengthen one-to-one communication with your customers, go to CCM Solutions.

However, if your goal is to provide a smooth customer journey to your clients without facing hindrances at any point of consumer interaction, go for a CRM solution.

The following table captures everything you need to know about different CCMs from CRM platforms.

Feature Customer Communication Management (CCM) Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Primary Focus Creation and management of customer communications Managing interactions with customers throughout the customer journey
Key Features Content Management, Multi-channel coordination, Analytics Marketing Automation, Analytics and Reporting, Sales Automation, Customer Support and Service
Where To Use Sending critical documents, automating communications, distributing promotional messages Tracking and managing sales, offering support, segmenting customers
Benefits of Using Consistent Communication increased customer loyalty and satisfaction 360-degree view of customers, streamlined sales, improved customer loyalty

7 Best Customer Communication Management Software

To help you find the best CCM for your business, we have compiled a list of top CCM platforms to help you manage interactions.

  1. Help Scout
  2. Zendesk
  3. Intercom
  4. JustReply
  5. Front
  6. HoneyBook
  7. Hiver

We will discuss all these CCM software offerings and how they differ. Their pricing plans are also covered below to help you understand which option to choose.

Help Scout

Help Scout is a customer communication management platform designed to streamline every step throughout customer interaction with business. It has various tools that cater to changing consumer needs and effectively optimize communication for small and more significant enterprises. To enhance the communication processes, it offers the following features.

Help Scout offers shared inboxes. Imagine a dedicated team of employees focused just on managing emails. This is what the shade inboxes option does for you. These shared inboxes allow your team to collaborate efficiently to get customer queries solved promptly.

Its communication system integrates well with the knowledge base, ensuring customers always get the correct answers to their queries.

The beacon feature makes customers feel valued and heard when their urgent queries get resolved promptly when teams engage with customers instantly.

Help Scout is great while you are working through emails and chat, but it cannot cover social media or SMS. This can hinder a business from looking for a more holistic option.

Shared Inbox

Pricing Plans

  • Standard Plan: $20.
  • Plus Plan: $40
  • Pro Plan: $60


Zendesk is a platform that delivers exceptional customer support but has various tools to ensure smooth customer communications management. It offers the following features to its customers.

Zendesk integrates communication from various channels into one unified platform, including email, chat, phone, and social media.

It also offers a knowledge base that can provide instant answers to customer queries that are very common among consumers.

Zendesk offers a wide range of features, but the platform's learning curve may result in the underutilization of some features.

Zendesk Integration

Pricing Plans

  • Suite Team: $69
  • Suite Growth: $115
  • Suite Professional: $149
  • Talk to the Sales Team for the Suite Enterprise Plan


Intercom stands out as a comprehensive tool for managing real-time customer communication. It focuses a lot on automation, support, and integration, which helps businesses elevate their customer engagement. Intercom offers the following features.

Intercom Communication

Intercom offers its customers an effective messenger that integrates with email, SMS, and more. Customers can choose how they want to communicate.

Intercom's chatbot, Fin, uses advanced technology to resolve customer queries and efficiently allocate the work accurately.

It also supports its users by offering automated messages to onboard, educate, and notify customers whenever needed. This timely access to information keeps customers engaged.

Fin, Chatbot

Pricing Plans

  • Essential Plan: $39
  • Advanced Plan: $99
  • Expert Plan: $139
Pricing Plans

Just Reply

Just Reply offers streamlined customer communications management, which enhances the smooth customer experience. It provides the following features to its users.

It offers users a minimalist inbox that effortlessly manages all the incoming conversations. It quickly identifies and prioritizes conversations for efficient support handling.

You can integrate Just Reply with Slack to streamline your workflows. All conversations are sent to Slack, which is ideal for smaller teams.

It is perfect for teams looking for a helpful yet simple tool that integrates with Slack, enhances customer interactions, and improves efficiency.

Communication Platform

Pricing Plans

  • Pro Plan: $19
  • Pro Plus: $39
  • Enterprise Plan: $59


Front is the collaborative email platform streamlining communication with the team and customers. It transforms the traditional email inbox into a collaborative hub that unifies all customer communication.

It offers collaborative inboxes, ensuring all members can access, manage, and respond to them without duplicating replies.

Front also offers a great way to collaborate with your team members by enabling them to make internal notes to an email thread without the customer knowing.

The front can also handle repetitive tasks by tagging, assigning, and conversations based on specific criteria. This saves time and contributes to the team's productivity.

Although Front offers excellent features for enhancing customer communication, smaller teams may initially find it challenging to navigate through the features.


Pricing Plans

  • Growth Plan: $59
  • Scale Plan: $99
  • Premier Plan: $229


HoneyBook is a client management solution that seamlessly manages all your client communications. Here is what HoneyBook has to offer to your customers.


HoneyBook allows you to integrate your business email into this unified platform, making scheduling and appointments easier without switching to other platforms.

It also enables users to automate repetitive tasks, helping teams to save time and increase productivity.

If you are a small business or a freelancer, this is the perfect platform for you as it offers a great range of features to streamline customer communication.

HoneyBook AI

Pricing Plans

  • Starter Plan: $8
  • Essentials Plan: $16
  • Premium PlanL $66


Hiver is your solution if you are looking for a customer communication platform, as it is known for its integration with Gmail and offering various features that manage multi-channel communications. Hiver provides the following features to its users.


Hiver has a unified inbox that brings together email, phone, chat, and WhatsApp communication. This ensures that nothing in the conversation falls out of line.

A notification alert feature also alerts team members if someone is already typing into that email. This prevents duplicate responses and multiple team members from dealing with the same cases.

It allows automation in various tasks; for example, you can assign emails from one specific client to one particular team member, so every time that client emails, only the designated employee has to deal with their case.

Collaborative Inboxes

Pricing Plans

  • Lite Plan: $15
  • Pro Plan: $49
  • Elite Plan: $79

Choosing the Right CCM Tools

Choosing CCM tools is integral to your business decision-making, directly impacting customer communications management. The better your communication with the customer, the more satisfied they will be.

To ensure consistency in communication, you need a tool that fulfills all your needs. You must consider two important things: your business goals and budget. You have to analyze the costs of every plan in every software.

The company should look for alternative plans if the cost exceeds the budget set for buying CCM software. You should also consider that the software has all the essential features required to achieve your business goals.

Summing Up

After carefully analyzing the offerings of all platforms, you can pick the one that fits your budget requirements and aligns with your business goals. It is about replying to your customers promptly and winning their trust. It is also about shaping how people perceive your brand.

If you are a business looking to elevate your communication strategies, you need to make an intelligent choice of platform. If you genuinely want to excel in communication, you can use JustReply, which offers a seamless blend of intuitive features, flexibility, and a customer-centric approach. 

Experience magic with JustReply.

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