
Slack vs Email: 5 Use Cases Where Slack Dominates

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Slack vs email is a common debate in the business landscape. Which of the two is better? 

Statista reports that the number of email users worldwide will reach $4.73 billion by 2026. Even now, billions of people use email for personal and professional communication. 

However, the advent of instant messaging platforms like Slack has changed how teams communicate. About 80% of Fortune 100 companies use Slack in their communications. 

A quick comparison of both platforms reveals that Slack outshines email in several regards. We look at a few of them below. 

5 Use Cases Where Slack Is Better Than Email

Use cases where Slack is better than email

If you already use Slack for internal collaboration, you'd know its highlighting features. But if you don't, that's fine, too. We'll discuss a few use cases where you should opt for Slack rather than email for better and more swift processes. 

1. Slack for Real-Time Communication 

You send a co-worker an email. Then, you send a reminder email two hours later because they still haven't replied. By the end of the day, you've exchanged a few emails only about one topic. 

In contrast, instant messaging on Slack allows real-time communication. You send a message and receive a prompt response. Since conversations are divided by channels, you save the hassle of sifting through emails for a specific conversation. 

Another benefit of Slack, in this case, is file sharing. Emails have a limit of attachments they can carry, but Slack lets you share large files, too. Whether you need to send a long video or a large document, Slack is the way to go. 

Plus, you know for sure that the recipient has received your message — no need for those annoying "Did you see my email?" follow-up emails.

Slack Huddles further improve communication. You can have a quick voice or video call with your team members, eliminating the need for multiple emails back and forth. With these features, Slack can reduce meetings by 23%. Ryan Mahone, Director of Engineering at MBTA Customer Technology, says that in the time teams take to ''email or schedule a meeting.'' they can gather in Slack and resolve the issue.  

2. Slack for Project Management 

If you've ever tried managing a project with a group of people through email, you know how messy it can get. Slack has a ton of features to make the process much easier. 

  • Project-Specific Channels: The first benefit is that you can create channels specifically for the project. Let's say you're working on redesigning your company's website. Create a channel named #website-redesign, invite your team members, and keep all the discussions and files related to the project in there. 
  • Recurring Reminders: Need to remind your channel members about an upcoming meeting or a deadline? Slack's recurring reminders feature has you covered. Set up a reminder for each day, week, month, or specific date and time. 
  • Slack Connect: Maybe you're managing a project with an external team or clients. You can work with them through Slack Connect
  • Slack Integrations: Slack integrates with hundreds of apps. You can connect it to relevant project management tools to streamline your workflow.

3. Slack for Customer Support 

Email-based customer support can get quite tedious, especially when dealing with a large number of requests. A customer sends you an email, you respond, then they respond, and it goes on. 

Later, when you have to check up on an old conversation, you have to dig through your inbox trying to find that specific thread. It's pretty time-consuming. 

On the contrary, JustReply lets you manage your support requests through Slack. You just join the two tools and start getting queries submitted in JustReply's chat widget in your Slack. Your support team can then respond to all tickets without ever leaving Slack. 

4. Slack for Marketing 

Just like project management, Slack can also be used for marketing. Slack has a comprehensive guide on using it for marketing purposes. 

Some of the ways you can use Slack for marketing include:  

  • Collaboration: Slack brings your marketing team together to discuss strategies, share ideas, work on projects, and get feedback from other members. You can also create channels for specific campaigns or clients. 
  • Automation: Slack integrations let you automate several marketing tasks, like scheduling social media posts, receiving real-time analytics updates, etc. 
  • Connectivity: With Slack Connect, staying connected with your external agencies and partners becomes a breeze. 

What's cool about using Slack for marketing is that you can do everything in a unified space. There's no need to download a dozen different tools or switch between different platforms. 

Plus, if you already use Slack for other use cases, adding another one shouldn't be an issue. 

5. Slack for Employee Onboarding 

Many organizations use email for employee onboarding. But that can be overwhelming. There are too many attachments and too many threads to keep up with. Plus, it's not interactive at all. 

Slack simplifies the onboarding process for both HR and the new hire. You can use it to: 

  • Share important documents like contracts, offer letters, NDAs, etc
  • Introduce new hires to their teams and help them get acquainted with co-workers
  • Set up meetings with different departments
  • Create channels for specific onboarding topics, like company policies or benefits packages
  • Address any questions or concerns the new hire may have 

Taking the Slack route has many benefits. One, employees have a repository that they can go back to if they need to refresh their memory. Two, it helps build a sense of community and camaraderie among team members. 

Slack As The Better Alternative 

Here are a few key takeaways from this Slack vs email comparison guide: 

  • Slack is more interactive than email, allowing real-time communication and large file sharing. 
  • Slack's internal features like Connect, recurring reminders, integrations, and channels make it a powerful tool. 
  • Slack is also versatile enough to be used for various business functions, including marketing and employee onboarding. 
  • Slack's user-friendly interface and mobile app make it easy to use on the go. 

While email has been a staple in business and can still be used for specific purposes, Slack's potential is too great to ignore.

Photo by Lukas Blazek on Unsplash

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